AuthorPayment Coin (POD)

Bitcoin Loophole


Bitcoin Loophole
Amazingly the underlying Bitcoin framework and blockchain has not been hacked or compromised. This is a massive achievement given the open source nature of the code.
[vcw-table color=”white” currency=”USD” symbols=”BTC,ETH,XRP,LTC,DASH”]

Bitcoin Cash News


Latest Bitcoin Cash News.
[vcw-table color=”white” currency=”USD” symbols=”BCH, BTC,ETH, MIOTA,LTC, DASH”]

Latest Bitcoin Price


Latest Bitcoin Price.
[vcw-table color=”white” currency=”USD” symbols=”BTC,ETH,XRP,LTC,DASH”]

How Does a Bitcoin Work?


Bitcoin explained. A great introductory video to cryptocurrency. Best 3 minute summary video on the internet. Essential viewing for new crypto starters.

How Do You Get a Bitcoin?


The easiest way to purchase a Bitcoin in 2018 is as follows:

Visit or download mobile app
Create an account
Add funds
Verify account
Buy Bitcoin (and other major cryptocurrencies)

qt wallet


After installation, launch POD Payment Coin. You will see this default view that shows your wallet balance and recent transactions. A green tick at the bottom right of the wallet shows if you are connected to the POD Payment Coin network. Sometimes it may take a few minutes to synchronise.

setgenerate true


Click ‘Help -> Debug window’. Then click ‘Console’ tab.   In the command line at the bottom type setgenerate true and click enter. This command starts the inbuilt mining software. Congratulations you are now part of the Payment Coin (POD) network and mining.   Important safety note. DO NOT enter commands into the console that you get off the internet, forums or other third party...



For the first 840,000 blocks to be mined, each block will reward the user with 50 POD coins. In the screenshot, you can see that 202 blocks have been mined by users. So in total 202 x 50 = 10,100 coins have been rewarded. You are mainly interested in the next block. So in this example the computer is trying to mine block 203. If the machine solves the equation the user will be rewarded with 50...



The getinfo command shows additional software version and balance information.


The global financial landscape is undergoing rapid transformation led by the creation of modern future proof cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are the future of money.  Their universal access allows anyone with an internet connection to utilize the power of this innovative technology. Payment Coin (POD) is simply a faster next generation form of digital cash than Bitcoin.
