A new mystery about Satoshi hidden in the Bitcoin block-chain


Some time ago, I received an e-mail from my friend Timo Hanke. If you don’t know Timo, then you should, because he is, apart from a respected mathematician and Bitcoin enthusiast, an excellent person. The e-mail suggested that I looked into the nonce field to see if I could find out the endianess of Satoshi’s original mining machine. He was talking about the nonce in each block header, not the ExtraNonce I talked in my first post on Satoshi. My first thought was “nonces increase too quickly to leave any recognizable fingerprint”, but then I recalled that back in 2009 there were no GPUs and no ASICs and even if the nonce wrapped-around zero a couple of times, there would be a perceptible statistical imbalance towards zero in the most significant byte. So, armed with my own block-chain parser library, I prepared to begin a new fight against time and go back to the early days of Bitcoin. It took me half an hour to get my first surprise. One image worths a thousand words (or at least it stops a thousand false verbal arguments) so here is the image:



The global financial landscape is undergoing rapid transformation led by the creation of modern future proof cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are the future of money.  Their universal access allows anyone with an internet connection to utilize the power of this innovative technology. Payment Coin (POD) is simply a faster next generation form of digital cash than Bitcoin.
