

For the first 840,000 blocks to be mined, each block will reward the user with 50 POD coins. In the screenshot, you can see that 202 blocks have been mined by users. So in total 202 x 50 = 10,100 coins have been rewarded.

You are mainly interested in the next block. So in this example the computer is trying to mine block 203. If the machine solves the equation the user will be rewarded with 50 POD coins. The lower the difficulty number the easier it will be to mine the next block.

What does getmininginfo mean? What does getmininginfo show?

blocks = number of blocks mined
currentblocksize = size of blocks in bytes
currentblocktx = number of transactions included in the block
difficulty = shows the current mining difficulty factor. Difficulty is increased as more users compete to mine the next block.
errors = list any errors in the system
generate = if you are mining or not (true = you are mining)
genproclimit = shows -1 if you are not limiting processors on your computer for mining
hashespersec = how fast you are mining (higher the hash number the better)
networkhashps = the hash power of the network
pooledtx = number of transactions in the memory pool
testnet =  shows if you are running in test mode (you should always see false)


The global financial landscape is undergoing rapid transformation led by the creation of modern future proof cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are the future of money.  Their universal access allows anyone with an internet connection to utilize the power of this innovative technology. Payment Coin (POD) is simply a faster next generation form of digital cash than Bitcoin.
